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Space-time decompositions via differential forms

Fecko, Marián — 1998

Proceedings of the 17th Winter School "Geometry and Physics"

The author presents a simple method (by using the standard theory of connections on principle bundles) of ( 3 + 1 ) -decomposition of the physical equations written in terms of differential forms on a 4-dimensional spacetime of general relativity, with respect to a general observer. Finally, the author suggests possible applications of such a decomposition to the Maxwell theory.

A central limit theorem for processes generated by a family of transformations

Let τ n , n 0 be a sequence of measure preserving transformations of a probability space (Ω,Σ,P) into itself and let f n , n 0 be a sequence of elements of L 2 ( Ω , Σ , P ) with E f n = 0 . It is shown that the distribution of ( i = 0 n f i τ i . . . τ 0 ) ( D ( i = 0 n f i τ i . . . τ 0 ) ) - 1 tends to the normal distribution N(0,1) as n → ∞. 1985 Mathematics Subject Classification: 58F11, 60F05, 28D99.

Error estimates of an efficient linearization scheme for a nonlinear elliptic problem with a nonlocal boundary condition

Marian Slodička — 2001

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis - Modélisation Mathématique et Analyse Numérique

We consider a nonlinear second order elliptic boundary value problem (BVP) in a bounded domain Ω dim with a nonlocal boundary condition. A Dirichlet BC containing an unknown additive constant, accompanied with a nonlocal (integral) Neumann side condition is prescribed at some boundary part Γ n . The rest of the boundary is equipped with Dirichlet or nonlinear Robin type BC. The solution is found via linearization. We design a robust and efficient approximation scheme. Error estimates for the linearization...

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