Electrophoretic patterns of proteins of the fat bodies of normal, castrated and hypophysectomized males of Rana esculenta were studied. Castration and hypophysectomy differently influence bands “2”, “3”, “4”, “5”. Bands “4” and “5” are androgen-dependent. These variations have been discussed in relation to the reproductive phenomena.
Electrophoretic patterns of proteins were studied in the fat bodies of males and females of Rana esculenta. The patterns, except the “o” band present only in the females, manifest quantitative differences during the reproductive season. These variations have been briefly discussed in relation to the reproductive phenomena.
L'attività in vitro della -glucoronidasi e della fosfatasi acida è variamente influenzata nel sistema ipotalamo-ipofisario di maschi adulti di Rana esculenta dagli ormoni endogeni (prodotti dalle ghiandole periferiche). Gli Autori discutono in particolare l'influenza del testosterone sull'attività di questi due sistemi enzimatici.
The influence in vitro of testosterone, oestradiol, cyproterone acetate and tamoxifen compound on the -glucuronidase activity in the hypothalamus and pituitary of adult males and females of Rana esculenta was studied. As far as the effects of testosterone are concerned important sex differences were recorded only in the hypothalamic tissue. In fact this androgen stimulates hypothalamic -glucuronidase in the male, whereas in the female the opposite effect was found. On the other hand oestradiol...
The role of periepididymal fat in the control of male fertility has been studied in the mouse. Administration of cyproterone acetate (CPA) totally blocks the reproductive capacity of intact males and the periepididymal fat pad regresses notably. The reproductive capacity of CPA-treated males is restored six months after the suspension of antiandrogenic treatment. The reproductive recovery of treated males is more rapid if they are injected with homogenate of the periepididymal fat.
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