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Local stability and differentiability of the Mean–Conditional Value at Risk model defined on the mixed–integer loss functions

Martin Branda — 2010


In this paper, we study local stability of the mean-risk model with Conditional Value at Risk measure where the mixed-integer value function appears as a loss variable. This model has been recently introduced and studied in~Schulz and Tiedemann [16]. First, we generalize the qualitative results for the case with random technology matrix. We employ the contamination techniques to quantify a possible effect of changes in the underlying probability distribution on the optimal value. We use the generalized...

Chance constrained problems: penalty reformulation and performance of sample approximation technique

Martin Branda — 2012


We explore reformulation of nonlinear stochastic programs with several joint chance constraints by stochastic programs with suitably chosen penalty-type objectives. We show that the two problems are asymptotically equivalent. Simpler cases with one chance constraint and particular penalty functions were studied in [6,11]. The obtained problems with penalties and with a fixed set of feasible solutions are simpler to solve and analyze then the chance constrained programs. We discuss solving both problems...

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