Pencils of real symmetric matrices and the numerical range. (Short Communication). Marvin Marcus — 1977 Aequationes mathematicae
Pencils of real symmetric matrices and the numerical range. Marvin Marcus — 1978 Aequationes mathematicae
Constrained Extrema of Bilinear Functionals. Marvin Marcus; Patricia Andresen — 1977 Monatshefte für Mathematik
Partial Derivations and B. Iversen's Linear Determinants (Short Communication) MARVIN MARCUS; ELIZABETH WILSON — 1973 Aequationes mathematicae
Partial Derivations and B. Iversen's Linear Determinants. Marvin Marcus; Elizabeth Wilson — 1974 Aequationes mathematicae
On the Degree of the Minimal Polynomial of the Lyapunov Operator. Marvin Marcus; M. Shafqat Ali — 1974 Monatshefte für Mathematik
Some generalizations of Kantorovich's inequality Marcus, Marvin; Khan, N.A. — 1961 Portugaliae mathematica