We find the sum of series of the form
for some special functions . The above series is a generalization of the Riemann zeta function. In particular, we take as some values of Hurwitz zeta functions, harmonic numbers, and combination of both. These generalize some of the results given in Mező’s paper (2013). We use multiple zeta theory to prove all results. The series sums we have obtained are in terms of Bernoulli numbers and powers of .
We characterize all the cases in which products of arbitrary numbers of nearly holomorphic eigenforms and products of arbitrary numbers of quasimodular eigenforms for the full modular group SL₂(ℤ) are again eigenforms.
We derive asymptotic formulas for the coefficients of certain classes of weakly holomorphic Jacobi forms and weakly holomorphic modular forms (not necessarily of integral weight) without using the circle method. Then two applications of these formulas are given. Namely, we estimate the growth of the Fourier coefficients of two important weak Jacobi forms of index 1 and non-positive weights and obtain an asymptotic formula for the Fourier coefficients of the modular functions for all integers k,l...
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