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On asymptotic minimaxity of kernel-based tests

Michael Ermakov — 2003

ESAIM: Probability and Statistics

In the problem of signal detection in gaussian white noise we show asymptotic minimaxity of kernel-based tests. The test statistics equal L 2 -norms of kernel estimates. The sets of alternatives are essentially nonparametric and are defined as the sets of all signals such that the L 2 -norms of signal smoothed by the kernels exceed some constants ρ ϵ > 0 . The constant ρ ϵ depends on the power ϵ of noise and ρ ϵ 0 as ϵ 0 . Similar statements are proved also if an additional information on a signal smoothness is given....

On Asymptotic Minimaxity of Kernel-based Tests

Michael Ermakov — 2010

ESAIM: Probability and Statistics

In the problem of signal detection in Gaussian white noise we show asymptotic minimaxity of kernel-based tests. The test statistics equal -norms of kernel estimates. The sets of alternatives are essentially nonparametric and are defined as the sets of all signals such that the -norms of signal smoothed by the kernels exceed some constants . The constant depends on the power of noise and as . Similar statements are proved also if an additional information on a...

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