Pointwise Fourier Inversion on Tori and Other Compact Manifolds.
Sibley and Sempi have constructed metrics on the space of probability distribution functions with the property that weak convergence of a sequence is equivalent to metric convergence. Sibley's work is a modification of Levy's metric, but Sempi's construction is of a different sort. Here we construct a family of metrics having the same convergence properties as Sibley's and Sempi's but which does not appear to be related to theirs in any simple way. Some instances are brought out in which the metrics...
A method for producing associative copulas from a binary operation and a convex function on an interval is described.
Copulas are functions which join the margins to produce a joint distribution function. A special class of copulas called shuffles of Min is shown to be dense in the collection of all copulas. Each shuffle of Min is interpreted probabilistically. Using the above-mentioned results, it is proved that the joint distribution of any two continuously distributed random variables X and Y can be approximated uniformly, arbitrarily closely by the joint distribution of another pair X* and Y* each of which...
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