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Anti-holonomic jets and the Lie bracket

Michal Krupka — 1998

Archivum Mathematicum

Second order anti-holonomic jets as anti-symmetric parts of second order semi-holonomic jets are introduced. The anti-holonomic nature of the Lie bracket is shown. A general result on universality of the Lie bracket is proved.

Natural operators on frame bundles

Krupka, Michal — 2000

Proceedings of the 19th Winter School "Geometry and Physics"

Let F 1 be a natural bundle of order r 1 ; a basis of the s -th order differential operators of F 1 with values in r 2 -th order bundles is an operator D of that type such that any other one is obtained by composing D with a suitable zero-order operator. In this article a basis is found in the following two cases: for F 1 = semi F r 1 (semi-holonomic r 1 -th order frame bundle), s = 0 , r 2 < r 1 and F 1 = F 1 ( 1 -st order frame bundle), r 2 s . The author uses here the so-called method of orbit reduction which provides one with a criterion for checking...

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