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Positivity of the density for the stochastic wave equation in two spatial dimensions

Mireille Chaleyat-MaurelMarta Sanz-Solé — 2003

ESAIM: Probability and Statistics

We consider the random vector u ( t , x ̲ ) = ( u ( t , x 1 ) , , u ( t , x d ) ) , where t > 0 , x 1 , , x d are distinct points of 2 and u denotes the stochastic process solution to a stochastic wave equation driven by a noise white in time and correlated in space. In a recent paper by Millet and Sanz–Solé [10], sufficient conditions are given ensuring existence and smoothness of density for u ( t , x ̲ ) . We study here the positivity of such density. Using techniques developped in [1] (see also [9]) based on Analysis on an abstract Wiener space, we characterize the set of...

Positivity of the density for the stochastic wave equation in two spatial dimensions

Mireille ChaleyatMaurelMarta Sanz–Solé — 2010

ESAIM: Probability and Statistics

We consider the random vector u ( t , x ̲ ) = ( u ( t , x 1 ) , , u ( t , x d ) ) , where are distinct points of 2 and denotes the stochastic process solution to a stochastic wave equation driven by a noise white in time and correlated in space. In a recent paper by Millet and Sanz–Solé [10], sufficient conditions are given ensuring existence and smoothness of density for u ( t , x ̲ ) . We study here the positivity of such density. Using techniques developped in [1] (see also [9]) based on Analysis on an abstract Wiener space, we characterize the set of...

Filtering the Wright-Fisher diffusion

Mireille Chaleyat-MaurelValentine Genon-Catalot — 2009

ESAIM: Probability and Statistics

We consider a Wright-Fisher diffusion whose current state cannot be observed directly. Instead, at times < < ..., the observations are such that, given the process , the random variables () are independent and the conditional distribution of only depends on . When this conditional distribution has a specific form, we prove that the model ((), 1) is a computable filter in the sense that all distributions involved in filtering, prediction...

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