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Mathematical problems designed with the use of functional equations as theoretical tools for examining subject matter knowledge of functions

Mirosława Sajka — 2008

Didactica Mathematicae

Assessing the mathematics teachers' Subject Matter Knowledge (SMK) is currently important problem of research. Mathematics teachers should have profound and thorough SMK, understood as skills and knowledge of mathematics, its methods and history, which are indispensable for teaching. There is a need to find appropriate tools for continuous assessment of that competence of mathematics teachers. However, literature review reveals that functional equations have not been used yet as diagnostic tools....

Refleksje na temat określania wiedzy przedmiotowej nauczycieli matematyki

Mirosława Sajka — 2006

Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis | Studia ad Didacticam Mathematicae Pertinentia

This article presents the author’s reflections, comments and problems that arise in relation to the issue of defining the subject matter knowledge a teacher should have in the context of Even’s theoretical framework. They incline to start working on a considerable modification of this conception in order to explore its adaptability in other contexts. This paper also includes initial results of this modification.

Enrichment of elementary school symmetry-learning process by using melody transformations

Mirosława SajkaPaulina Fraś — 2019

Didactica Mathematicae

Mathematics and Music - two dierent aspects of human creativity, seemingly belonging to separate areas: science and humanities. Despite this, there are multiple well-known common elements and analogies between the two. Especially well explored is the use of mathematics in music. The opposite, which is the use of music in mathematics, seems unusual and is rarely discussed, including the educational aspect. This paper proposes an exemplary approach of using music to enrich and facilitate mathematics...

O liczbach ujemnych z perspektywy historycznej i dydaktycznej

Piotr BłaszczykMirosława Sajka — 2017

Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis | Studia ad Didacticam Mathematicae Pertinentia

We identify two ways of introducing negative numbers. In the first one, a totally ordered set (L, ) is presupposed, an element 0 in L is arbitrarily taken, and a number a is negative when a 0. In the second one, a negative number is defined by the formula a + (−a) = 0. From a mathematical perspective, the first method involves the idea of a totally ordered group (G,+, 0,<), while the second one considers the idea of the algebraic group (G,+, 0) alone. Through the analysis of source texts, we...

The Ninth and the Tenth Congress of the European Research in Mathematics Education (CERME 9 and CERME 10)

Bożena Maj-TatsisMirosława Sajka — 2017

Didactica Mathematicae

CERME is one of the largest world congresses bringing together scientists fromall continents and entirely devoted to Mathematics Education.The scientific activities of CERME conferences are always focused mainlyon common work within the so-called Thematic Working Groups(TWGs). The particular way of organising the conference gives the opportunityfor in-depth analyses of the presentations and papers and for working outcommon conclusions after many discussions.

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