Correction to "On real-valued functions in topological spaces"
For mappings , where is a merotopic space equipped with a diameter function, we introduce and examine an entropy, called the -entropy. The topological entropy and the entropy of self-mappings of metric spaces are shown to be special cases of the -entropy. Some connections with other characteristics of self-mappings are considered. We also introduce and examine an entropy for subsets of , which is closely connected with the -entropy of .
We describe a conceptual approach which provides a unified view of various entropy-like functionals on the class of semimetric spaces, endowed with a bounded measure. The entropy considered in the author’s previous articles is modified so as to assume finite values for a fairly wide class of spaces which fail to be totally bounded.
In Part I, we have proved characterization theorems for entropy-like functionals , , , and restricted to the class consisting of all finite spaces , the class of all semimetric spaces equipped with a bounded measure. These theorems are now extended to the case of , and defined on the whole of , and of and restricted to a certain fairly wide subclass of .
Using certain ideas connected with the entropy theory, several kinds of dimensions are introduced for arbitrary topological spaces. Their properties are examined, in particular, for normal spaces and quasi-discrete ones. One of the considered dimensions coincides, on these spaces, with the Čech-Lebesgue dimension and the height dimension of posets, respectively.
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