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On hierarchy of the positioned eco-grammar systems

Miroslav Langer — 2014


Positioned eco-grammar systems (PEG systems, for short) were introduced in our previous papers. In this paper we engage in a new field of research, the hierarchy of PEG systems, namely in the hierarchy of the PEG systems according to the number of agents presented in the environment and according to the number of types of agents in the system.

Positioned agents in eco-grammar systems with border markers and pure regulated grammars

Miroslav LangerAlica Kelemenová — 2012


In this paper we follow our previous research in the field of positioned agents in the eco-grammar systems and pure grammars. We extend model of the positioned eco-grammar systems by boundary markers and we introduce bordered positioned eco-grammar systems (BPEG systems, for short) and that way we show one of the possible answers to the question stated in [9]. Namely we compare generative power of the BPEG systems with three types of pure regulated grammars with appearance checking.

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