Completeness of a cut-free calculus with equality and function constants.
A modified subformula property for the modal logic KD with the additionalaxiom □ ◊(A ∨ B) ⊃ □ ◊ A ∨ □ ◊B is shown. A new modification of the notion of subformula is proposed for this purpose. This modification forms a natural extension of our former one on which modified subformula property for the modal logics K5, K5D and S4.2 has been shown ([2] and [4]). The finite model property as well as decidability for the logic follows from this.
A sequential axiomatization is given for the 16-valued logic that has been proposed by Shramko-Wansing (J Philos Logic 34:121–153, 2005) as a candidate for the basic logic of logical bilattices.
The modal logic S4.2 is S4 with the additional axiom ◊□A ⊃ □◊A. In this article, the sequent calculus GS4.2 for this logic is presented, and by imposing an appropriate restriction on the application of the cut-rule, it is shown that, every GS4.2-provable sequent S has a GS4.2-proof such that every formula occurring in it is either a subformula of some formula in S, or the formula □¬□B or ¬□B, where □B occurs in the scope of some occurrence of □ in some formula of S. These are just the K5-subformulas...
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