A Weyl arrangement is the arrangement defined by the root system of a finite Weyl group. When a set of positive roots is an ideal in the root poset, we call the corresponding arrangement an ideal subarrangement. Our main theorem asserts that any ideal subarrangement is a free arrangement and that its exponents are given by the dual partition of the height distribution, which was conjectured by Sommers–Tymoczko. In particular, when an ideal subarrangement is equal to the entireWeyl arrangement, our...
It has been known for a long time that for bootstrapping the distribution of the extremes under the traditional linear normalization of a sample consistently, the bootstrap sample size needs to be of smaller order than the original sample size. In this paper, we show that the same is true if we use the bootstrap for estimating a central, or an intermediate quantile under power normalization. A simulation study illustrates and corroborates theoretical results.
We discuss three estimation methods: the method of moments, probability weighted moments, and L-moments for the scale parameter and the extreme value index in the generalized Pareto distribution under linear normalization. Moreover, we adapt these methods to use for the generalized Pareto distribution under power and exponential normalizations. A simulation study is conducted to compare the three methods on the three models and determine which is the best, which turned out to be the probability...
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