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Symmetries of a dynamical system represented by singular Lagrangians

Monika Havelková — 2012

Communications in Mathematics

Dynamical properties of singular Lagrangian systems differ from those of classical Lagrangians of the form L = T - V . Even less is known about symmetries and conservation laws of such Lagrangians and of their corresponding actions. In this article we study symmetries and conservation laws of a concrete singular Lagrangian system interesting in physics. We solve the problem of determining all point symmetries of the Lagrangian and of its Euler-Lagrange form, i.e. of the action. It is known that every point...

A geometric analysis of dynamical systems with singular Lagrangians

Monika Havelková — 2011

Communications in Mathematics

We study dynamics of singular Lagrangian systems described by implicit differential equations from a geometric point of view using the exterior differential systems approach. We analyze a concrete Lagrangian previously studied by other authors by methods of Dirac’s constraint theory, and find its complete dynamics.

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