Non-Hamiltonian actions and Lie-algebra cohomology of vector fields.
En el presente artículo se expone de modo resumido una caracterización de los anillos de funciones diferenciables de una variedad.
The aim of the present work is to present a geometric formulation of higher order variational problems on arbitrary fibred manifolds. The problems of Engineering and Mathematical Physics whose natural formulation requires the use of second order differential invariants are classic, but it has been the recent advances in the theory of integrable non-linear partial differential equations and the consideration in Geometry of invariants of increasingly higher orders that has highlighted the interest...
The homogeneous quaternionic Kähler structures on the Alekseevskian 𝒲-spaces with their natural quaternionic structures, each of these spaces described as a solvable Lie group, and the type of such structures in Fino's classification, are found.
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