On best simultaneous approximation. Naidu, S.V.R. — 1992 Publications de l'Institut Mathématique. Nouvelle Série
Fixed points and coincidence points for multimaps with not necessarily bounded images. Naidu, S.V.R. — 2004 Fixed Point Theory and Applications [electronic only]
On convergent sequences and fixed point theorems in D -metric spaces. Naidu, S.V.R.; Rao, K.P.R.; Rao, N.Srinivasa — 2005 International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences
On the concepts of balls in a D -metric space. Naidu, S.V.R.; Rao, K.P.R.; Srinivasa Rao, N. — 2005 International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences
On the topology of D -metric spaces and generation of D -metric spaces from metric spaces. Naidu, S.V.R.; Rao, K.P.R.; Srinivasa Rao, N. — 2004 International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences
Convexity conditions in normed linear spaces. S.V.R. Naidu; K.P.R. Sastry — 1978 Journal für die reine und angewandte Mathematik
Fixed Point Theorems for Pairs of Selfmaps on a Metric Space S.V.R. Naidu; J. Rajendra Prasad — 1988 Publications de l'Institut Mathématique