A remark on (s,t)-absolutely summing operators in -spaces
The geometry of random projections of centrally symmetric convex bodies in is studied. It is shown that if for such a body K the Euclidean ball is the ellipsoid of minimal volume containing it and a random n-dimensional projection is “far” from then the (random) body B is as “rigid” as its “distance” to permits. The result holds for the full range of dimensions 1 ≤ n ≤ λN, for arbitrary λ ∈ (0,1).
It is shown that if a Banach space X is not isomorphic to a Hilbert space then the spaces ℓ₂(X) and Rad(X) contain a subspace Z without local unconditional structure, and therefore without an unconditional basis. Moreover, if X is of cotype r < ∞, then a subspace Z of ℓ₂(X) can be constructed without local unconditional structure but with 2-dimensional unconditional decomposition, hence also with basis.
We show that n-dimensional spaces with maximal projection constants exist not only as subspaces of but also as subspaces of l₁. They are characterized by a rigid set of vector conditions. Nevertheless, we show that, in general, there are many non-isometric spaces with maximal projection constants. Several examples are discussed in detail.
In this note we introduce a notion of essentially-Euclidean normed spaces (and convex bodies). Roughly speaking, an n-dimensional space is λ-essentially-Euclidean (with 0 < λ < 1) if it has a [λn]-dimensional subspace which has further proportional-dimensional Euclidean subspaces of any proportion. We consider a space X₁ = (ℝⁿ,||·||₁) with the property that if a space X₂ = (ℝⁿ,||·||₂) is "not too far" from X₁ then there exists a [λn]-dimensional subspace E⊂ ℝⁿ such that E₁ = (E,||·||₁) and...
We prove a Chevet type inequality which gives an upper bound for the norm of an isotropic log-concave unconditional random matrix in terms of the expectation of the supremum of “symmetric exponential” processes, compared to the Gaussian ones in the Chevet inequality. This is used to give a sharp upper estimate for a quantity that controls uniformly the Euclidean operator norm of the submatrices with k rows and m columns of an isotropic log-concave unconditional random matrix. We apply these estimates...
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