Let X and Y be Banach spaces. We give a “non-separable” proof of the Kalton-Werner-Lima-Oja theorem that the subspace (X,X) of compact operators forms an M-ideal in the space (X,X) of all continuous linear operators from X to X if and only if X has Kalton’s property (M*) and the metric compact approximation property. Our proof is a quick consequence of two main results. First, we describe how Johnson’s projection P on (X,Y)* applies to f ∈ (X,Y)* when f is represented via a Borel (with respect to...
We show that a Banach space X has the compact approximation property if and only if for every Banach space Y and every weakly compact operator T: Y → X, the space
= S ∘ T: S compact operator on X
is an ideal in = span(,T) if and only if for every Banach space Y and every weakly compact operator T: Y → X, there is a net of compact operators on X such that and in the strong operator topology. Similar results for dual spaces are also proved.
We present an equivalent midpoint locally uniformly rotund (MLUR) renorming of C[0,1] with the diameter 2 property (D2P), i.e. every non-empty relatively weakly open subset of the unit ball has diameter 2. An example of an MLUR space with the D2P and with convex combinations of slices of arbitrarily small diameter is also given.
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