Fuzzy certainty on fuzzy values
Antonio González; Nicolás Marín; Olga Pons; M. Amparo Vila — 2009
Control and Cybernetics
This paper reports an alternative for implementing an SQL fuzzy extension on a Fuzzy Relational Database System. This proposal tries to build an FSQL processor using representation and manipulation mechanisms offered by the RDBMS which operates as a host. For this purpose, we are based our work on the formulation of a theoretical model of Fuzzy Relational Databases, on the adoption of a scheme for the representation and implementation of fuzzy information on conventional RDBMS, and on the tools...
This paper shows a FRDBMS architecture whose main characteristics are: 1) it is implemented entirely on classical RDBMS just using the resources provided by them, 2) it preserves all the operations and qualities of the host RDBMS and gives them more power adding new capabilities to deal with fuzzy information and 3) it provides a frame to develop applications which exploit fuzzy information.
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