The Directed Path Partition Conjecture is the following: If D is a digraph that contains no path with more than λ vertices then, for every pair (a,b) of positive integers with λ = a+b, there exists a vertex partition (A,B) of D such that no path in D⟨A⟩ has more than a vertices and no path in D⟨B⟩ has more than b vertices. We develop methods for finding the desired partitions for various classes of digraphs.
Let V be a finite set and 𝓜 a collection of subsets of V. Then 𝓜 is an alignment of V if and only if 𝓜 is closed under taking intersections and contains both V and the empty set. If 𝓜 is an alignment of V, then the elements of 𝓜 are called convex sets and the pair (V,𝓜 ) is called an alignment or a convexity. If S ⊆ V, then the convex hull of S is the smallest convex set that contains S. Suppose X ∈ ℳ. Then x ∈ X is an extreme point for X if X∖{x} ∈ ℳ. A convex geometry on a finite set is...
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