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Contributo allo studio sulle correlazioni fra struttura e proprietà di composti di interesse biologico. Nota VI. Indagine vibrazionale sulle diverse forme di colesterolo in relazione a problemi di interesse biomedico

Alessandro BertoluzzaMaria Antonietta Bertoluzza-MorelliSergio BonoraP. Finelli — 1977

Atti della Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali. Rendiconti

This work concerns the spectroscopic vibrational study of the different polymorphic forms of cholesterol (anhydrous, monohydrate and form II) known in the literature in order to complete a program of vibrational researches on the structure and composition of gallstones. These three forms of cholesterol are distinguishable in i.r. spectra for the region of ν O H stretching. In particular, the structure of the water in monohydrate cholesterol has been examined relatively to a recent x-ray study. The structure...

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