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Order by Relevance | Title | Year of publication

Spurious-free approximations of electromagnetic eigenproblems by means of Nedelec-type elements

Salvatore CaorsiPaolo FernandesMirco Raffetto — 2001

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis - Modélisation Mathématique et Analyse Numérique

By using an inductive procedure we prove that the Galerkin finite element approximations of electromagnetic eigenproblems modelling cavity resonators by elements of any fixed order of either Nedelec’s edge element family on tetrahedral meshes are convergent and free of spurious solutions. This result is not new but is proved under weaker hypotheses, which are fulfilled in most of engineering applications. The method of the proof is new, instead, and shows how families of spurious-free elements can...

Spurious-free approximations of electromagnetic eigenproblems by means of Nedelec-type elements

Salvatore CaorsiPaolo FernandesMirco Raffetto — 2010

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis

By using an inductive procedure we prove that the Galerkin finite element approximations of electromagnetic eigenproblems modelling cavity resonators by elements of any fixed order of either Nedelec's edge element family on tetrahedral meshes are convergent and free of spurious solutions. This result is not new but is proved under weaker hypotheses, which are fulfilled in most of engineering applications. The method of the proof is new, instead, and shows how families of spurious-free elements...

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