Lattice path enumeration of permutations with k occurrences of the pattern 2–13. Parviainen, Robert — 2006 Journal of Integer Sequences [electronic only]
Permutations, cycles and the pattern 2--13. Parviainen, Robert — 2006 The Electronic Journal of Combinatorics [electronic only]
Parametric production matrices and weighted succession rules: a Dyck path example. Parviainen, Robert — 2007 Journal of Integer Sequences [electronic only]
Ascent sequences and upper triangular matrices containing non-negative integers. Dukes, Mark; Parviainen, Robert — 2010 The Electronic Journal of Combinatorics [electronic only]
A combinatorial derivation of the PASEP stationary state. Brak, Richard; Corteel, Sylvie; Essam, John; Parviainen, Robert; Rechnitzer, Andrew — 2006 The Electronic Journal of Combinatorics [electronic only]