In the recent years the East-Christian iconographical art works
have been digitized providing a large volume of data. The need for effective
classification, indexing and retrieval of iconography repositories was the motivation
of the design and development of a systemized ontological structure
for description of iconographical art objects. This paper presents the ontology
of the East-Christian iconographical art, developed to provide content
annotation in the Virtual encyclopedia of Bulgarian...
Content creation and presentation are key activities in a multimedia digital library (MDL). The proper design and intelligent implementation of these services provide a stable base for overall MDL functionality. This paper presents the framework and the implementation of these
services in the latest version of the “Virtual Encyclopaedia of Bulgarian
Iconography” multimedia digital library. For the semantic description of the
iconographical objects a tree-based annotation template is implemented....
The paper introduces an ecosystem of digital libraries and
mobile applications for presenting Bulgarian cultural and science assets.
The digital libraries concerned constitute valuable sources of cultural
heritage and related scientific results. They include the Bulgarian
Iconographical Digital Library (BIDL), the BellKnow multimedia archive
on bells and the web site of the International Conference on Digital
Presentation and Preservation of Cultural and Scientific Heritage (DIPP).
These digital...
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