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Order by Relevance | Title | Year of publication

Robust estimation of the scale and weighted distributions

Paweł Błażej — 2007

Applicationes Mathematicae

The concept of robustness given by Zieliński (1977) is considered in cases where violations of models are generated by weight functions. Uniformly most bias-robust estimates of the scale parameter, based on order statistics, are obtained for some statistical models. Extensions of results of Zieliński (1983) and Bartoszewicz (1986) are given.

Robust estimation based on spacings in weighted exponential models

Paweł BłażejJarosław Bartoszewicz — 2007

Applicationes Mathematicae

Using Zieliński's (1977, 1983) formalization of robustness Błażej (2007) obtained uniformly most bias-robust estimates (UMBREs) of the scale parameter for some statistical models (including the exponential model), in a class of linear functions of order statistics, when violations of the models are generated by weight functions. In this paper the UMBRE of the scale parameter, based on spacings, in two weighted exponential models is derived. Extensions of results of Bartoszewicz (1986, 1987) are...

Two algorithms based on Markov chains and their application to recognition of protein coding genes in prokaryotic genomes

Małgorzata GrabińskaPaweł BłażejPaweł Mackiewicz — 2013

Applicationes Mathematicae

Methods based on the theory of Markov chains are most commonly used in the recognition of protein coding sequences. However, they require big learning sets to fill up all elements in transition probability matrices describing dependence between nucleotides in the analyzed sequences. Moreover, gene prediction is strongly influenced by the nucleotide bias measured by e.g. G+C content. In this paper we compare two methods: (i) the classical GeneMark algorithm, which uses a three-periodic non-homogeneous...

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