N. Vondrová a kol.: Matematická slovní úloha: mezi matematikou, jazykem a psychologií
Recenze monografie Matematická slovní úloha: mezi matematikou, jazykem a psychologií (N.Vondrová a kol., 2019, nakl. Karolinum).
Recenze monografie Matematická slovní úloha: mezi matematikou, jazykem a psychologií (N.Vondrová a kol., 2019, nakl. Karolinum).
This article describes a heuristic strategy of analogy and illustrates it by five school mathematics examples. These examples are efficiently solved while using such a strategy.
Problem solving with pictures might be an effective way to solve problems. Several examples of the use of graphical representation to solve problems are shown in the text and several pupils' strategies and approaches to solving selected problem are presented and discussed.
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