This article presents the principal results of the Ph.D. thesis Intelligent systems in bioinformatics: mapping and merging anatomical ontologies by Peter Petrov, successfully defended at the St. Kliment Ohridski University of Sofia, Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics, Department of Information Technologies, on 26 April 2013.
The problem of mapping and merging ontologies in general is an important one in the area of ontology engineering. The same problem considered within the narrower...
ACM Computing Classification System (1998): J.3.
Automated and semi-automated mapping and the subsequently
merging of two (or more) anatomical ontologies can be achieved by (at least)
two direct procedures.
The first concerns syntactic matching between the terms of the two ontologies; in this paper, we call this direct matching (DM). It relies on identities
between the terms of the two input ontologies in order to establish cross-ontology links between them.
The second involves consulting...
Per quanto riguarda lo studio della composizione in basi del DNA gli Streptomiceti sono, tra gli organismi viventi finora studiati, quelli con la più alta percentuale di G + C (∼72). Si è ritenuto opportuno misurare tale percentuale anche per lo Streptomyces coelicolor e lo S. rimosus, cioè le due specie geneticamente più studiate ma non ancora caratterizzate da questo punto di vista; un ulteriore motivo d'interesse in questo studio era dato da una particolare differenza che era stata osservata...
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