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Minimum convex-cost tension problems on series-parallel graphs

Bruno BacheletPhilippe Mahey — 2003

RAIRO - Operations Research - Recherche Opérationnelle

We present briefly some results we obtained with known methods to solve minimum cost tension problems, comparing their performance on non-specific graphs and on series-parallel graphs. These graphs are shown to be of interest to approximate many tension problems, like synchronization in hypermedia documents. We propose a new aggregation method to solve the minimum convex piecewise linear cost tension problem on series-parallel graphs in O ( m 3 ) operations.

Minimum convex-cost tension problems on series-parallel graphs

Bruno BacheletPhilippe Mahey — 2010

RAIRO - Operations Research

We present briefly some results we obtained with known methods to solve minimum cost tension problems, comparing their performance on non-specific graphs and on series-parallel graphs. These graphs are shown to be of interest to approximate many tension problems, like synchronization in hypermedia documents. We propose a new method to solve the minimum convex piecewise linear cost tension problem on series-parallel graphs in operations.

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