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Osservazioni sulle cellule di Rohon-Beard in un Anfibio urodelo in sviluppo

Pier Luigi TrevisanMilena Marini — 1972

Atti della Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali. Rendiconti

The Rohon-Beard cells of an urodelan Amphibian (Triturus cristatus) show their typical aspect and their highest number in the first larval stage. In the trunk region these neurons begin to degenerate at early larval stages and disappear a month before the metamorphosis. In the tail region, on the contrary, these neurons maintain the same number and morphological aspects till the oldest larval stages. Most of them degenerate in the last larval month. The Rohon-Beard cells of urodelan Amphibians progressively...

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