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Non-Deterministic Linear Hypersubstitutions

Nareupanat LekkoksungPrakit Jampachon — 2015

Discussiones Mathematicae - General Algebra and Applications

A non-deterministic hypersubstitution maps operation symbols to sets of terms of the corresponding arity. A non-deterministic hypersubstitution of type τ is said to be linear if it maps any operation symbol to a set of linear terms of the corresponding arity. We show that the extension of non-deterministic linear hypersubstitutions of type τ map sets of linear terms to sets of linear terms. As a consequence, the collection of all non-deterministic linear hypersubstitutions forms a monoid. Non-deterministic...

Regular elements and Green's relations in Menger algebras of terms

Klaus DeneckePrakit Jampachon — 2006

Discussiones Mathematicae - General Algebra and Applications

Defining an (n+1)-ary superposition operation S n on the set W τ ( X n ) of all n-ary terms of type τ, one obtains an algebra n - c l o n e τ : = ( W τ ( X n ) ; S n , x 1 , . . . , x n ) of type (n+1,0,...,0). The algebra n-clone τ is free in the variety of all Menger algebras ([9]). Using the operation S n there are different possibilities to define binary associative operations on the set W τ ( X n ) and on the cartesian power W τ ( X n ) n . In this paper we study idempotent and regular elements as well as Green’s relations in semigroups of terms with these binary associative operations...

T-Varieties and Clones of T-terms

Klaus DeneckePrakit Jampachon — 2005

Discussiones Mathematicae - General Algebra and Applications

The aim of this paper is to describe how varieties of algebras of type τ can be classified by using the form of the terms which build the (defining) identities of the variety. There are several possibilities to do so. In [3], [19], [15] normal identities were considered, i.e. identities which have the form x ≈ x or s ≈ t, where s and t contain at least one operation symbol. This was generalized in [14] to k-normal identities and in [4] to P-compatible identities. More generally, we select a subset...

Four-part semigroups - semigroups of Boolean operations

Prakit JampachonYeni SusantiKlaus Denecke — 2012

Discussiones Mathematicae - General Algebra and Applications

Four-part semigroups form a new class of semigroups which became important when sets of Boolean operations which are closed under the binary superposition operation f + g := f(g,...,g), were studied. In this paper we describe the lattice of all subsemigroups of an arbitrary four-part semigroup, determine regular and idempotent elements, regular and idempotent subsemigroups, homomorphic images, Green's relations, and prove a representation theorem for four-part semigroups.

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