A non-deterministic hypersubstitution maps operation symbols to sets of terms of the corresponding arity. A non-deterministic hypersubstitution of type τ is said to be linear if it maps any operation symbol to a set of linear terms of the corresponding arity. We show that the extension of non-deterministic linear hypersubstitutions of type τ map sets of linear terms to sets of linear terms. As a consequence, the collection of all non-deterministic linear hypersubstitutions forms a monoid. Non-deterministic...
Defining an (n+1)-ary superposition operation on the set of all n-ary terms of type τ, one obtains an algebra of type (n+1,0,...,0). The algebra n-clone τ is free in the variety of all Menger algebras ([9]). Using the operation there are different possibilities to define binary associative operations on the set and on the cartesian power . In this paper we study idempotent and regular elements as well as Green’s relations in semigroups of terms with these binary associative operations...
The aim of this paper is to describe how varieties of algebras of type τ can be classified by using the form of the terms which build the (defining) identities of the variety. There are several possibilities to do so. In [3], [19], [15] normal identities were considered, i.e. identities which have the form x ≈ x or s ≈ t, where s and t contain at least one operation symbol. This was generalized in [14] to k-normal identities and in [4] to P-compatible identities. More generally, we select a subset...
Four-part semigroups form a new class of semigroups which became important when sets of Boolean operations which are closed under the binary superposition operation f + g := f(g,...,g), were studied. In this paper we describe the lattice of all subsemigroups of an arbitrary four-part semigroup, determine regular and idempotent elements, regular and idempotent subsemigroups, homomorphic images, Green's relations, and prove a representation theorem for four-part semigroups.
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