In recent years, there have been several studies of various ’approximate’ versions of the key notion of amenability, which is defined for all Banach algebras; these studies began with work of Ghahramani and Loy in 2004. The present memoir continues such work: we shall define various notions of approximate amenability, and we shall discuss and extend the known background, which considers the relationships between different versions of approximate amenability. There are a number of open questions...
The notions of approximate amenability and weak amenability in Banach algebras are formally stronger than that of approximate weak amenability. We demonstrate an example confirming that approximate weak amenability is indeed actually weaker than either approximate or weak amenability themselves. As a consequence, we examine the (failure of) approximate amenability for -sums of finite-dimensional normed algebras.
We consider when certain Banach sequence algebras A on the set ℕ are approximately amenable. Some general results are obtained, and we resolve the special cases where for 1 ≤ p < ∞, showing that these algebras are not approximately amenable. The same result holds for the weighted algebras .
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