An Algebraic Construction of a Class of Representations of a Semi-Simple Lie Algebra. R. Parthasarathy — 1977 Mathematische Annalen
Extremal quantum states in coupled systems K. R. Parthasarathy — 2005 Annales de l'I.H.P. Probabilités et statistiques
Multiplicity Formulae for Discrete Series. R. Parthasarathy; R. Hotta — 1974 Inventiones mathematicae
A probabilistic Proof of Bochner's Theorem on positive definite Functions M. S. Bingham; K. R. Parthasarathy Publications mathématiques et informatique de Rennes
Skew-product for group-valued edge labellings of Bratteli diagrams. A. El Kacimi; R. Parthasarathy — 2009 Publicacions Matemàtiques
Generalized harmonic oscillators in quantum probability B. V. Rajarama Bhat; K. R. Parthasarathy — 1991 Séminaire de probabilités de Strasbourg
On the total working time of a repaired unit B. Kopociński; P. R. Parthasarathy; R. Ramanarayanan — 1983 Applicationes Mathematicae
Markov dilations of nonconservative dynamical semigroups and a quantum boundary theory B. V. Rajarama Bhat; K. R. Parthasarathy — 1995 Annales de l'I.H.P. Probabilités et statistiques