On the Sharpness of Some Upper Bounds for the Spectral Radii of S.O.R. Iteration Matrices. R.S. Varga; M. Neumann — 1980 Numerische Mathematik
The Effect of Quadrature Errors in the Numerical Solution of Two-Dimensional Boundary Value Problems by Variational Techniques (Short Communication) R.J. HERBOLD; R.S. VARGA — 1971 Aequationes mathematicae
The Effect of Quadrature Errors in the Numerical Solution of Two-Dimensional Boundary Value Problems by Variational Techniques R.J. HERBOLD; R.S. VARGA — 1971 Aequationes mathematicae
The Analysis of k-Step Iterative Methods for Linear Systems from Summability Theory W. Niethammer; R.S. Varga — 1983 Numerische Mathematik
Chebyshev semi-iterative methods, successive overrelaxation iterative methods, and second order Richardson iterative methods. Part I. R.S. VARGA; G.H. GOLUB — 1961 Numerische Mathematik
Chebyshev semi-iterative methods, successive overrelaxation iterative methods, and second order Richardson iterative methods. Part II. R.S. VARGA; G.H. GOLUB — 1961 Numerische Mathematik
Block Iterative Methods for Cyclically Reduced Matrix Equations. R.S. VARGA; L.A. HAGEMAN — 1964 Numerische Mathematik
Higher Order Convergence Results for the Rayleigh-Ritz Method Applied to Eigenvalue Problems: 2. Improved Error Bounds for Eigenfunctions. R.S. Varga; J.G. Pierce — 1972 Numerische Mathematik
On the Zeros and Poles of Pade Approximants to ez III . E.B. Saff; R.S. Varga — 1978 Numerische Mathematik
On Asymptotically Best Norms for Powers of Operators. R.S. Varga; W.J. Kammerer Numerische Mathematik
Discrete Variational Green's Function. II. One Dimensional Problem. P.G. CIARLET; R.S. VARGA Numerische Mathematik
On Smallest Isolated Gerschgorin Disks for Eigenvalues. II. R.S. VARGA; H.I. MEDLEY — 1968 Numerische Mathematik
Zur Konvergenz des symmetrischen Relations Verfahrens. - On the Convergence of the Symmetric SOR Method. R.S. Varga; G. Alefeld Numerische Mathematik
On the Sharpness of Theorems Concerning Zero-Free Regions for Certain Sequences of Polynomials. E.B. Saff; R.S. Varga — 1976 Numerische Mathematik