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Convergence of optimal strategies in a discrete time market with finite horizon

Rafał Kucharski — 2006

Applicationes Mathematicae

A discrete-time financial market model with finite time horizon is considered, together with a sequence of investors whose preferences are described by a convergent sequence of strictly increasing and strictly concave utility functions. Existence of unique optimal consumption-investment strategies as well as their convergence to the limit strategy is shown.

Convergence of optimal strategies under proportional transaction costs

Rafał Kucharski — 2008

Banach Center Publications

A discrete-time financial market model with finite time horizon and transaction costs is considered, with a sequence of investors whose preferences are described by a convergent sequence of strictly increasing and strictly concave utility functions. Proportional costs are approximated by strictly convex costs. Existence of the optimal consumption-investment strategies is obtained, as well as convergence of the value functions and convergence of subsequences of optimal strategies.

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