MM functions, formed by finite composition of the operators min, max and translation, represent discrete-event systems involving disjunction, conjunction and delay. The paper shows how they may be formulated as homogeneous rational algebraic functions of degree one, over (max, +) algebra, and reviews the properties of such homogeneous functions, illustrated by some orbit-stability problems.
We propose an efficient method for finding a Chebyshev-best soluble approximation to an insoluble system of linear equations over max-plus algebra.
The structure of solution-sets for the equation is discussed, where are given residuated functions mapping between partially-ordered sets. An algorithm is proposed which produces a solution in the event of finite termination: this solution is maximal relative to initial trial values of . Properties are defined which are sufficient for finite termination. The particular case of max-based linear algebra is discussed, with application to the synchronisation problem for discrete-event systems;...
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