A bornological approach to rotundity and smoothness applied to approximation.
In earlier papers we have introduced and studied a new notion of positivity in operator algebras, with an eye to extending certain C*-algebraic results and theories to more general algebras. Here we continue to develop this positivity and its associated ordering, proving many foundational facts. We also give many applications, for example to noncommutative topology, noncommutative peak sets, lifting problems, peak interpolation, approximate identities, and to order relations between an operator...
This paper may be viewed as having two aims. First, we continue our study of algebras of operators on a Hilbert space which have a contractive approximate identity, this time from a more Banach-algebraic point of view. Namely, we mainly investigate topics concerned with the ideal structure, and hereditary subalgebras (or HSA's, which are in some sense a generalization of ideals). Second, we study properties of operator algebras which are hereditary subalgebras in their bidual, or equivalently which...
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