Critical subgraphs of a random graph.
For a simple graph, we consider the minimum number of edges which block all the odd cycles and the maximum number of odd cycles which are pairwise edge-disjoint. When these two coefficients are equal, interesting consequences appear. Similar problems (but interchanging “ odd cycles” and “ odd cycles”) have been considered in a paper by Berge and Fouquet.
The recently announced Strong Perfect Graph Theorem states that the class of perfect graphs coincides with the class of graphs containing no induced odd cycle of length at least 5 or the complement of such a cycle. A graph in this second class is called Berge. A bull is a graph with five vertices and five edges . A graph is bull-reducible if no vertex is in two bulls. In this paper we give a simple proof that every bull-reducible Berge graph is perfect. Although this result follows directly from...
The recently announced Strong Perfect Graph Theorem states that the class of perfect graphs coincides with the class of graphs containing no induced odd cycle of length at least 5 or the complement of such a cycle. A graph in this second class is called Berge. A bull is a graph with five vertices and five edges . A graph is bull-reducible if no vertex is in two bulls. In this paper we give a simple proof that every bull-reducible Berge graph is perfect. Although this result follows directly from...
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