Modeling several competitive leaders and followers acting in an electricity market leads to coupled systems of mathematical programs with equilibrium constraints, called equilibrium problems with equilibrium constraints (EPECs). We consider a simplified model for competition in electricity markets under uncertainty of demand in an electricity network as a (stochastic) multi-leader-follower game. First order necessary conditions are developed for the corresponding stochastic EPEC based on a result...
We consider an equilibrium problem with equilibrium constraints (EPEC) arising from the modeling of competition in an electricity spot market (under ISO regulation). For a characterization of equilibrium solutions, so-called M-stationarity conditions are derived. This first requires a structural analysis of the problem, , verifying constraint qualifications. Second, the calmness property of a certain multifunction has to be verified in order to justify using M-stationarity conditions. Third, for...
We consider an equilibrium problem with equilibrium constraints (EPEC) arising from the
modeling of competition in an electricity spot market (under ISO regulation). For a
characterization of equilibrium solutions, so-called M-stationarity conditions are
derived. This first requires a structural analysis of the problem, ,
verifying constraint qualifications. Second, the calmness property of a certain
multifunction has to be verified in order to justify...
In this paper, we deal with strong stationarity conditions for mathematical programs with equilibrium constraints (MPEC). The main task in deriving these conditions consists in calculating the Fréchet normal cone to the graph of the solution mapping associated with the underlying generalized equation of the MPEC. We derive an inner approximation to this cone, which is exact under an additional assumption. Even if the latter fails to hold, the inner approximation can be used to check strong stationarity...
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