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Computer in after-school student activities - fragment of researches

Renata Wojtuś — 2007

Didactica Mathematicae

In the article I submit partial results of three years lasting researches, which relate to the use of mathematical software in the process of mathematics teaching and learning, particularly in independent, after-school student activities. The aim of my researches is to solve the following problem: What is the role of computer in the independent work of the student? The following issues are the most interesting for me: Do students, during their independent after-school work, notice the necessity...

Komputer jako narzędzie badania sytuacji zadaniowej w długoterminowej pracy domowej ucznia

Renata Wojtuś — 2009

Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis | Studia ad Didacticam Mathematicae Pertinentia

In the article I submit a fragment of my research carried out in 2004-2007, which was connected with the role of mathematical computer programs in the independent extracurricular work of the pupil. These examinations were conducted in a group of 119 pupils from the second grade of secondary schools. The article concerns the specific form of homework in mathematics – a long-term homework. The purpose of this homework was to answer the questions: a) In what mathematical situations do pupils use mathematical...

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