Seconde solution de la question 623 (Bobillier)
We prove an interpolatory estimate linking the directional Haar projection to the Riesz transform in the context of Bochner-Lebesgue spaces , 1 < p < ∞, provided X is a UMD-space. If , the result is the inequality , (1) where the constant C depends only on n, p, the UMD-constant of X and the Rademacher type of . In order to obtain the interpolatory result (1) we analyze stripe operators , λ ≥ 0, which are used as basic building blocks to dominate the directional Haar projection. The...
A principal bundle with a Lie group consists of a manifold and a free proper smooth -action . There is a unique smooth manifold structure on the quotient space such that the canonical map is smooth. is called a base manifold and stands for the bundle. The most fundamental examples of principal bundles are the homogeneous spaces , where is a closed subgroup of . The pair is a Klein pair. A model geometry consists of a Klein pair and a Lie group with Lie algebra . In this...
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