Associative products are defined using a scheme of Imrich & Izbicki [18]. These include the Cartesian, categorical, strong and lexicographic products, as well as others. We examine which product ⊗ and parameter p pairs are multiplicative, that is, p(G⊗H) ≥ p(G)p(H) for all graphs G and H or p(G⊗H) ≤ p(G)p(H) for all graphs G and H. The parameters are related to independence, domination and irredundance. This includes Vizing's conjecture directly, and indirectly the Shannon capacity of a graph...
The strong isometric dimension of a reflexive graph is related to its injective hull: both deal with embedding reflexive graphs in the strong product of paths. We give several upper and lower bounds for the strong isometric dimension of general graphs; the exact strong isometric dimension for cycles and hypercubes; and the isometric dimension for trees is found to within a factor of two.
In this version of the Cops and Robber game, the cops move in tandems, or pairs, such that they are at distance at most one from each other after every move. The problem is to determine, for a given graph G, the minimum number of tandems sufficient to guarantee a win for the cops. We investigate this game on three graph products, the Cartesian, categorical and strong products.
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