Iterative learning control (ILC) develops controllers that iteratively adjust the command to a feedback control system in order to converge to zero tracking error following a specific desired trajectory. Unlike optimal control and other control methods, the iterations are made using the real world in place of a computer model. If desired, the learning process can be conducted both in the time domain during each iteration and in repetitions, making ILC a 2D system. Because ILC iterates with the real...
In iterative learning control (ILC) and in repetitive control (RC) one is interested in convergence to zero tracking error as the repetitions of the command or the periods in the command progress. A condition based on steady state frequency response modeling is often used, but it does not represent the true stability boundary for convergence. In this paper we show how this useful condition differs from the true stability boundary in ILC and RC, and show that in applications of RC the distinction...
This paper studies iterative learning control (ILC) for under-determined and over-determined systems, i.e., systems for which the control action to produce the desired output is not unique, or for which exact tracking of the desired trajectory is not feasible. For both cases we recommend the use of the pseudoinverse or its approximation as a learning operator. The Tikhonov regularization technique is discussed for computing the pseudoinverse to handle numerical instability. It is shown that for...
Iterative learning and repetitive control aim to eliminate the effect of unwanted disturbances over repeated trials or cycles. The disturbance-free system model, if known, can be used in a model-based iterative learning or repetitive control system to eliminate the unwanted disturbances. In the case of periodic disturbances, although the unknown disturbance frequencies may be the same from trial to trial, the disturbance amplitudes, phases, and biases do not necessarily repeat. Furthermore, the...
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