Subgaussian random variables in Hilbert spaces
Nello spazio delle variabili aleatorie subgaussiane definite su si studia l'equivalenza tra la norma subgaussiana e la norma di Fernique, dando valutazioni numeriche delle costanti di equivalenza. A tale scopo si fa uso di una nuova caratterizzazione della norma subgaussiana delle variabili aleatorie simmetriche.
We introduce the concept of uniform weighted density (upper and lower) of a subset of , with respect to a given sequence of weights . This concept generalizes the classical notion of uniform density (for which the weights are all equal to 1). We also prove a theorem of comparison between two weighted densities (having different sequences of weights) and a theorem of comparison between a weighted uniform density and a weighted density in the classical sense. As a consequence, new bounds for the...
We give an extension of Benford's law (first digit problem) by using the concept of conditional density, introduced by Fuchs and Letta. The main tool is the notion of regular subset of integers.
The continuity of densities given by the weight functions , , with respect to the parameter is investigated.
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