Conditions for the existence and uniqueness of a solution of the Cauchy problem
established in [2], are formulated more precisely and refined for the special case, where the function maps the interval into some subinterval , which can be degenerated to a point.
Nonimprovable, in a sense sufficient conditions guaranteeing the unique solvability of the problem
where is a linear bounded operator, , and , are established.
On the segment consider the problem
where is a continuous, in general nonlinear operator satisfying Carathéodory condition, and . The effective sufficient conditions guaranteeing the solvability and unique solvability of the considered problem are established. Examples verifying the optimality of obtained results are given, as well.
Consider the homogeneous equation
where is a linear bounded operator. The efficient conditions guaranteeing that the solution set to the equation considered is one-dimensional, generated by a positive monotone function, are established. The results obtained are applied to get new efficient conditions sufficient for the solvability of a class of boundary value problems for first order linear functional differential equations.
Nonimprovable, in a certain sense, sufficient conditions for the unique solvability of the boundary value problem
are established, where is a linear bounded operator, , , and . The question on the dimension of the solution space of the homogeneous problem
is discussed as well.
Nonimprovable sufficient conditions for the solvability and unique solvability of the problem
are established, where is a continuous operator satisfying the Carathèodory conditions, is a continuous functional, and .
The nonimprovable sufficient conditions for the unique solvability of the problem
where is a linear bounded operator, , , are established which are different from the previous results. More precisely, they are interesting especially in the case where the operator is not of Volterra’s type with respect to the point .
We study a higher order parabolic partial differential equation that arises in the context of condensed matter physics. It is a fourth order semilinear equation which nonlinearity is the determinant of the Hessian matrix of the solution. We consider this model in a bounded domain of the real plane and study its stationary solutions both when the geometry of this domain is arbitrary and when it is the unit ball and the solution is radially symmetric. We also consider the initial-boundary value problem...
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