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Differenze nella proiezione somatosensoriale ai due campi citoarchitettonici (aree 6 e 4) della corteccia motrice del Gatto

Roberto CesariSandro MicheliniGiuseppe SpidalieriMarta Vedovato — 1977

Atti della Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali. Rendiconti

The peripheral reactivity of cortical area 6 ( 6 α β ) of the Cat has been examined, in order to compare its features with those of the peripheral reactivity of area 4 ( 4 γ ). Peripheral stimulation was actuated by single shocks to the skin applied in sequence by means of several needle-electrodes thrust into standard locations of limbs, trunk, neck and of the whisker region. With conventional electrophysiological techniques, in 19 animals extracellular records from 323 cortical neurones were obtained, 258...

Segregazione e integrazione delle afferenze talamiche alle due suddivisioni citoarchiitettoniche dell'area motrice del Gatto

Roberto CesariSandro MicheliniGiuseppe SpidalieriMarta Vedovato — 1978

Atti della Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali. Rendiconti

Microelectrode recordings (glass micropipettes filled with 2.5 M KCl) from the two subdivisions of the motor cortex (area 4 γ and 6 α β , [5]) of chloralose-anaesthetized, curarized cats have been performed in order to characterize the response properties of the neurones receiving projections from the n. ventralis lateralis (VL). Extracellular unitary activity was obtained from 345 cells (226 from area 6 and 119 from area 4). Each one was tested for the effects of the electrical stimulation of the dorsal...

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