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Ricerche sui vetri a base di AsO : xAsO-NaO e xAsO-KO

Alessandro BertoluzzaAnnamaria MarinangeliRosa Simoni — 1973

Atti della Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali. Rendiconti

Glasses of composition xAsO-NaO and xAsO-KO have been prepared and Raman and i.r. spectra studied in relation to the vitreous AsO spectra, previously examined. In glasses richer in AsO, structural centers of vitreous AsO-namely of the claudetitic type-are present together with centers, typical of alkaline metaarsenite structure, which increase as the alkaline oxide percentage increases. Differently from vitreous AsO, which, in time, modifies its structure passing from a claudetitic type to an arsenolitic...

Ricerche su vetri semiconduttori. - I. Indagine vibrazionale Raman e ultrarossa su materiali vetrosi semiconduttori del sistema A s 2 O 3 - V 2 O 5 - P b O

Alessandro BertoluzzaRosa SimoniPatrizia Monti — 1973

Atti della Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali. Rendiconti

Vibrational spectra of binary glassy materials A s 2 O 3 - P b O (Ramanand u.r.), V 2 O 5 - P b O (u.r.) and A s 2 O 3 - V 2 O 5 (u.r.) are reported and discussed. In the case of A s 2 O 3 - P b O systems, spectra interpretation suggests a modification of A s 2 O 3 and V 2 O 5 structures and the formation of structural centers typical, respectively, of metaarsenites and metavanadates. For these demolitions, the probable mechanisms are proposed. In the case of A s 2 O 3 - V 2 O 5 system (64-30% of A s 2 O 3 ), the spectra agree with the ortho-, pyro-, metavanadates formation hypothesis together with...

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