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Embedding a topological group into a connected group

Ryo Ohashi — 2007

Colloquium Mathematicae

It was proved in [HM] that each topological group (G,·,τ) may be embedded into a connected topological group (Ĝ,•,τ̂). In fact, two methods of introducing τ̂ were given. In this note we show relations between them.

Finite actions on the Klein four-orbifold and prism manifolds

John KalliongisRyo Ohashi — 2017

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

We describe the finite group actions, up to equivalence, which can act on the orbifold Σ ( 2 , 2 , 2 ) , and their quotient types. This is then used to consider actions on prism manifolds M ( b , d ) which preserve a longitudinal fibering, but do not leave any Heegaard Klein bottle invariant. If ϕ : G Homeo ( M ( b , d ) ) is such an action, we show that M ( b , d ) = M ( b , 2 ) and M ( b , 2 ) / ϕ fibers over a certain collection of 2-orbifolds with positive Euler characteristic which are covered by Σ ( 2 , 2 , 2 ) . For the standard actions, we compute the fundamental group of M ( b , 2 ) / ϕ and indicate when...

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