Homeomorphs of Three Subspaces of ß NN. W.W. Comfort; S. Negrepontis — 1968 Mathematische Zeitschrift
On Universal separable reflexive stable spaces S. Negrepontis; T. Zachariades — 1985 Δελτίο της Ελληνικής Μαθηματικής Εταιρίας
Some topological properties associated with measurable cardinals W. Comfort; S. Negrepontis — 1970 Fundamenta Mathematicae
Ramification systems and spaces of ultrafilters Negrepontis, S. — 1972 General Topology and its Relations to Modern Analysis and Algebra
Functional-analytic properties of Corson-compact spaces S. Argyros; S. Mercourakis; S. Negrepontis — 1988 Studia Mathematica
Continuous functions on products with strong topologies Comfort, W. W.; Negrepontis, S. — 1972 General Topology and its Relations to Modern Analysis and Algebra