Exponential dichotomy for evolution families on the real line.
This paper is concerned with systems with control whose state evolution is described by linear skew-product semiflows. The connection between uniform exponential stability of a linear skew-product semiflow and the stabilizability of the associated system is presented. The relationship between the concepts of exact controllability and complete stabilizability of general control systems is studied. Some results due to Clark, Latushkin, Montgomery-Smith, Randolph, Megan, Zabczyk and Przyluski are generalized....
Connections between uniform exponential expansiveness and complete admissibility of the pair are studied. A discrete version for a theorem due to Van Minh, Räbiger and Schnaubelt is presented. Equivalent characterizations of Perron type for uniform exponential expansiveness of evolution families in terms of complete admissibility are given.
In this paper we give necessary and sufficient conditions for uniform exponential instability of evolution families in Banach spaces, in terms of Banach function spaces. Versions of some well-known theorems due to Datko, Neerven, Rolewicz and Zabczyk, are obtained for the case of uniform exponential instability of evolution families.
We give characterizations for uniform exponential stability and uniform exponential instability of linear skew-product flows in terms of Banach sequence spaces and Banach function spaces, respectively. We present a unified approach for uniform exponential stability and uniform exponential instability of linear skew-product flows, extending some stability theorems due to Neerven, Datko, Zabczyk and Rolewicz.
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